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Saturday 19 September
10:00 am to 1:00pm Bingie Fire Shed Bingie Rural Fire Brigade invites you to come and talk with us about the bush fire risk in the coming fire season during our annual Get Ready event. Due to Covid 19 regulations we will be running things a little differently this year as only 20 people (including RFS personnel) can be onsite at any time. You will see a few changes from previous years such as: We cannot offer a sausage sizzle or invite participants to bring refreshments. This will be more of a “drop in” event than in previous years. We will encourage you to visit with us and collect information material any time from 1000 to 1300 on the 19th, but we request that you stay no more than 10-15 minutes to allow other residents a chance to visit. We encourage you to submit questions prior to the day via email to: [email protected]. We will post these questions and our responses to them on Bingie Rural Fire Brigade’s Facebook page Bingie Rural Fire Brigade volunteers will be available to address any questions you may have but we will not be making an introductory presentation as has been done in previous years. We will include questions asked at the event and RFS’ responses in our Facebook list. See you on the 19th!. |
AuthorBingie Residents Association Archives
February 2025
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